What We Do

Temixw understands the regulatory regime that governs First Nations and their reserve lands in Canada. We are also familiar with the legislative tools available to First Nations that wish to assert their jurisdiction over their lands and increase economic development opportunities.

Whether a First Nation government or organization, Temixw can provide advice and support  for financial and economic planning, community development, and plan implementation

Our background is in business, finance and economics. We draw on this background to:

  • prepare briefing notes, memorandums, reports, newsletters and brochures
  • perform financial and economic analysis — with spreadsheets, charts and other visuals
  • estimate how much revenue can be generated from a proposed project
  • prepare animations to present complex ideas and information
  • prepare presentations — many people are visual learners and would rather not read reports
  • facilitate strategic and business planning exercises and develop strategic and business plans
  • implement and communicate community, strategic and business plans